Dear Families,
The vaccination of our residents was completed on January 25, 2021 with 93% of our residents receiving their initial dose. Several of the residents who did not receive the immunization for a variety of reasons (e.g., currently in hospital, not feeling well that day, etc.) may receive their initial vaccine on February 16, 2021 when the second immunization is given in the home. These residents will get their second dose at a later date yet to be determined. We did have approximately 5% of residents and or their substitute decision-makers refuse the vaccine. Despite the supply interruptions for the vaccine, we have been reassured the February 16 administration of the second immunization is still confirmed.
We are pleased to share we have no active resident cases. There have been a total of 124 residents test positive for COVID-19 and sadly 30 residents have passed away. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with all of the residents for their ongoing recovery and improved strength.
The indoor visitation rooms have been open and visits have been taking place with very positive feedback. Those residents who are still in isolation cannot have visits booked with their designated family caregiver at present. To schedule a visit, please contact Janice Buors at 204 589 7381, extension 265.
We will contact you directly if there are any concerns related to your loved one.
Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers.
Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek) – CEO