As we reflect on the one year anniversary of the brutal Russian Invasion of Ukraine, staff, residents and families at #HolyFamilyHome joined together in prayer as part of a world-wide Prayerful Marathon (молитовний марафон). As His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk (the head of all Ukrainian Catholics all over the world) explained:
“I invite all the faithful of our Church to join this prayer stand. Because we feel that, united in prayer, fasting and good deeds, we win. And we need spiritual strength so much in order to bring our victory closer!”
This continuous prayer, according to the Head of the Church, will be a time of unity and solidarity of Ukrainians all over the world. The prayer will begin in the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv, then the relay will be taken over by different cities in Ukraine and then Melbourne in Australia, Przemyśl in Poland, Rome in Italy, Buenos Aires in Argentina, Winnipeg in Canada and will end in Philadelphia in the United States of America . Participants will pray prayers and akathists, read the Holy Scriptures and psalms, and will also have the opportunity to hear the addresses of the bishops of the UGCC.
Each of the 12 hours of the marathon will be dedicated to a special prayer with a separate intention: for soldiers, chaplains, volunteers, forced migrants, wounded, medics, prisoners, children of war, those killed in the war and their relatives, wounded, Ukrainians in the occupied territories, energy workers.
Staff wore yellow and blue in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.