All residents’ recovered and normal activities have resumed on the unit as of April 9, 2024. Thanks to the residents, families and staff for following the outbreak protocols to ensure a timely resolution of the outbreak.
The 3A St. Anne’s unit continues in a scabies outbreak, which is likely to continue to the end of April 2024.
Unfortunately, today we did have two residents on the 4C St. Basil’s/St. Martha’s unit that are exhibiting gastrointestinal symptoms. We are not in outbreak at this time, but in order to prevent the spread of the virus to other resident care units I am requesting that the residents from 4C St. Basil’s/St. Martha’s do not attend large group programs on the main floor until further notice.
For details or if you have questions, please read this notice from Stacey Morgan, Director of Care, or contact her directly.