October 11, 2023

Dear families,

Today we declared a Respiratory Outbreak of COVID 19 on 3A St. Anne’s as per regional infection prevention and control and our medical director. We have 2 residents who have tested positive for COVID. We have initiated outbreak measures on the unit to prevent the spread of the virus to other residents within the unit and the home. Below are the list of measures that have been initiated today:

  1. Residents are not to leave the unit for off unit activities.
  2. All large group activities on the unit are on hold and we will have small group activities physically distanced with residents who are well
  3. Physical distancing during meal times as able
  4. Active Case finding and isolation of residence who are symptomatic
  5. Families are to visit with residents on the unit in resident rooms only
  6. Staff and visitors are to wear masks while on the unit
  7. Increased high touch surface cleaning
  8. Increased hand washing
  9. Two designated care givers only at one time to visit residents on the unit
  10. No general visitors are to visit on outbreak units

2C St. Mary’s/St. Francis unit remains in respiratory outbreak at this time and the above outbreak measures are in place for 2C St. Mary’s/St. Francis.

For the families from the outbreak units that have purchased tickets for the Ladies Auxiliary Fundraiser – Bud and Spud on Oct. 12, 2023 there will be accommodations made on the unit. More information to be shared tomorrow.

The remainder of our resident care units remain outbreak free at this time, but as we continue in a cold/flu season, I wanted to remind everyone to monitor yourselves for respiratory symptoms. If you are exhibiting any respiratory symptoms, please stay home until your symptoms resolve. Remember the best way to prevent the spread of viruses is good handwashing, cover your mouth/nose when you cough or sneeze, wear a mask and get vaccinated.

Thank you for helping our residents stay healthy during this flu season.


Stacey Morgan RNBN

Director of Care