Dear families,

On October 20, the 3C St. John’s/St. Paul’s unit was declared an official scabies outbreak per our Medical Director Dr. T Babick and regional infection prevention and control. Outbreak measures have been initiated on the 3C St. John’s/St. Paul’s unit and all residents will be treated to prevent the spread on the unit.

For those who are not aware, Scabies is a skin infestation caused by a mite. It presents as an intense itching, widespread bumps and winding burrows a millimeter or two in length normally found between the fingers, and forearms. The itching is caused by irritation from the eggs, feces and saliva of the mite. All residents and visitors on the unit should be monitored for a rash.

The below measures have been initiated on the unit:

  1. Residents are not to leave the unit for off unit activities.
  2. All large group activities on the unit are on hold and we will have small group activities physically distanced with residents who are well
  3. Physical distancing during meal times as able
  4. Active Case finding and isolation of residence who are symptomatic
  5. Families are to visit with residents on the unit in resident rooms only
  6. All resident belongings will be bagged for 7-14 days or sent for washing
  7. General visitation is discouraged during outbreaks, but designated caregivers can visit 2 at a time
  8. Visitors are encouraged to treat themselves if they have had close contact with a resident on the unit
  9. Visitors are to monitor themselves for a rash and to seek medical treatment if a rash develops

Signage has been placed on the unit and please reach out to your nurse if you need further information about your loved one.

On the 3A St. Anne’s unit, they continue on outbreak measures for a COVID 19 outbreak. We are hopeful the outbreak precautions will be removed next week as long as no additional cases are identified over the weekend.

Please keep Holy Family Home and our residents in your prayers.


Stacey Morgan RNBN, Director of Care