Dear Residents and Families,

We have learned of another 2 staff persons at Holy Family who tested positive for COVID-19. Residents who had been receiving direct care from these staff have been isolated and swabbed. All residents on all units continue to be being monitored closely for signs and symptoms. We are continuing to take the temperatures of all residents in Holy Family Home twice per day. The families of the impacted residents have all been contacted and informed accordingly. The staff who may have had contact have also been spoken to, assessed as to the level of risk, and advised to be screened by Occupational Health and tested as required.

As mentioned previously, we are asking if you had visited your loved one in the 14 days prior to October 21, 2020 (which would be from October 7, 2020 – October 20, 2020) and are having any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, to please contact Health Links at 204 788 8200 or 1 888 315 9257.  You may also use the online screening tool at . Please advise the unit nurse if you are going for testing and if you test positive for COVID-19. 

We continue to be closed to visitors at this time. We will advise as further information is available.

We are working closely with the WRHA and have been following all protocols and direction from public health. We are in touch with the region daily and we are following the direction accordingly.  We will contact you should if there are any issues or concerns with your loved one. 

Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers. 


Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek) – CEO