January 6, 2022
Dear Residents and Families:
A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared on 5A – St. Michael’s with three residents testing positive. All outbreak protocols have been implemented. The families of these residents have been informed and if there are any issues with your family member, the unit staff will be contact you by phone.
Due to positive staff cases on 3A – St. Anne’s, the increased protocols have been implemented as further investigation and monitoring occurs on the unit. As directed by WRHA Infection Prevention and Control team, swabs were completed this morning for residents on the unit.
There are 22 staff with active COVID-19. The vast majority of these cases can be attributed to community exposure. Community spread of the virus is extremely prevalent with the test positivity rate currently at 43.5%. Presently, we are managing to maintain staffing levels and are continuing to work closely with the WRHA Infection Prevention and Control team as well as the WRHA Long-Term Care Program.
We recognize the importance of contact with family for our residents and will be reviewing our visitation next week. More information will be shared at that that time.
We send greetings to all the residents, families and staff who celebrate Christmas tomorrow in accordance with the Julian calendar. May you have a blessed day and Khrystos Rozhdayetsia.
Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers.
Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek)
Chief Executive Officer