Dear Residents and Families,

Manitoba is now experiencing the fourth wave of COVID-19 and the beginning of the flu season.  The need to protect the residents of Holy Family Home from COVID-19 continues to be a priority.   With the support of the Board of Directors and the leadership of Holy Family Home, all visitors and designated family caregivers will need to show proof of full vaccination to visit in resident rooms.

These changes will be in effect November 15, 2021.  Designated Family Caregivers who are not vaccinated for COVID-19 can book visitation in the indoor visitation rooms by calling Janice Buors at 204 589 7381 extension 265. 

Designated Family Caregivers, who are fully vaccinated, will need to provide proof of vaccination (vaccination card or digital QR code) and identification when being screened to enter the Home.

Exceptions will be made for visitation for residents receiving end of life care.

We would also like to remind all visitors that masks must be worn at all times (covering nose and mouth) and visitors are not to eat while visiting. 

Thank you in advance for your ongoing cooperation and support of our efforts to keep our residents, visitors and staff safe.  Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers. 


Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek)
Chief Executive Officer           

Peter Washchyshyn
Board Chairperson