Dear Families,
We have learned of a staff member testing positive for COVID-19. This staff person did not work in the Home during their period of communicability. We also received a positive result for a resident who resides on a unit where there was a COVID-19 outbreak previously. This resident has tested negative previously during the outbreak. The resident was retested following the positive result and the results were negative. The swabs were analyzed a by Infectious Diseases physician who confirmed it was old COVID-19 connected to the previous outbreak on the unit. The resident was also fully vaccinated.
We are working to open outdoor visitation in the upcoming weeks. Further information will be shared in the near future. Recently, there have been families visiting with residents through the fence of the outdoor spaces. We ask families to refrain from doing so. We hope the opening of the outdoor visitation will enable these visits to happen in a safer manner.
We would like to remind all designated family caregivers to please follow all of the infection prevention and control protocols to keep everyone safe given the high positivity rate in Winnipeg and the increased presence of the variants of concern. We appreciate your cooperation as we continue to work to keep everyone safe.
We are encouraging all designated family caregivers and all visitors to be vaccinated when there is an opportunity for their protection and the overall protection of the Home. The vaccine eligibility criteria have changed to enable all Manitobans over the age of 12 to be vaccinated and those with certain health conditions to book their second dose. The eligibility criteria can be found at can be found at
Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers.
Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek) – CEO