Dear Families,
We are very sad to share the passing of another resident earlier this week who had recovered from the infectious period of COVID-19 in November 2020. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during these very difficult times.
Indoor resident room visits began on March 9, 2021 for one designated family caregiver per day from 10 am – 2 pm – Monday through Sunday. We are hopeful we will be able to extend the visitation hours for designated family caregivers into the evening for one day per week beginning next week. We are arranging staff to be available to sanitize the home following visiting hours. More information will be shared in the near future. Designated family caregivers are those 2 individuals who have been previously identified in discussions with the Home. As per provincial guidelines, each resident will only be able to name two individuals with no exceptions.
We are requesting those visitors who are using the handi-cap parking spots in front of the home refrain from doing so unless they require these spots due to their own mobility needs. We have had designated family caregivers requiring these parking spots due to their own issues be unable to access appropriate parking as other visitors with placards have been parked in the designated spots. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation as we wish to have those with the greatest need be able to visit their loved ones in the Home.
As access to the vaccine broadens its eligibility criteria, we sincerely encourage all designated family caregivers and all visitors to be vaccinated when there is an opportunity. The eligibility criteria can be found at
Visits for general visitors (family members/visitors beyond the 2 Designated Family Caregivers) may be scheduled by calling Janice Buors at 204 589 7381 ext. 265. General visits are one person at a time for 30 minutes. If you have questions regarding the visiting processes, please refer to the handouts on the Holy Family Home website.
In the event an outbreak occurs on a resident’s unit, visits will be cancelled in accordance with provincial infection prevention and control protocols.
Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers.
Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek) – CEO