Dear Families,
We are saddened to share the passing on another resident. Our heartfelt condolences to the family during this very difficult time. Candles were lit to honour and remember all of the residents who have passed away during the pandemic on January 8, 2021. Please visit the website at to see the tribute.
We have 3 active resident cases, no residents in hospital and sadly twenty-eight residents have passed away. There have been a total of 124 residents test positive for COVID-19. Our thoughts and prayers are with these residents for their ongoing recovery and improved strength.
There are 51 staff members of the 53 who have tested positive for COVID-19 recover. We are grateful for their safe return to work.
A letter was emailed to families on January 8, 2021 regarding the vaccine roll-out and obtaining consent. Phone calls to families will begin tomorrow to discuss the vaccine in the context of the residents’ health condition and to obtain consent. The initial vaccination date is scheduled for January 25, 2021 with the second dose occurring February 22, 2021. We are so thankful to have the vaccine roll-out on the horizon.

We are happy to share that the three indoor visitation rooms have been approved for occupancy. These rooms have specialized ventilation which enhances safety and each room has separate entrances for the residents and the visitor.
We will be scheduling visits for designated family caregivers for visits beginning on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. One designated family caregiver will be able to visit with the resident at a time for 30 minutes. Visits will initially be scheduled by phone by calling Janice Buors at 204 589 7381 extension 165 with an online booking option to be implemented at a later date. The indoor visitation room hours will be Monday – Friday 11 am – 7 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 10 am – 5 pm (hours are subject to change based on operations). We will be scheduling the visits to maximize the availability to as many residents as possible. The visitation rooms are accessed via the ramp on Aberdeen Avenue.
The following guidelines and processes will be in place for all designated family caregivers:
- Must perform hand hygiene and be screened on arrival for visitation
- Sign in for the visit
- Wear a medical mask for the duration of the visit (supplied by Holy Family Home) and the mask is only to be removed after leaving the building. A garbage receptacle will be outside for masks to be disposed in.
- No outside food or drink is permitted for the visit
- Any items to be dropped off for the resident must be dropped off at the front entrance for sanitation and delivery and cannot accompany the family during the visit
- Please attend the home on time for the visit and do not arrive early
- There is no access to washroom facilities for visits
If a resident’s unit is currently on isolation precautions, visits cannot be booked at this time. In the event an outbreak occurs on a resident’s unit, visits will be cancelled in accordance with infection prevention and control protocols. The rooms will be fully sanitized between visits for the safety of everyone.
A Christmas parade was held on Christmas eve at Holy Family Home. Please see visit to see a video excerpt of the event. Another parade was held on January 7 which we will share in the near future.
We will contact you directly if there are any concerns related to your loved one.
Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers.
Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek) – CEO