June 7, 2023

Dear families,

I wanted to share with everyone that we did resolve some of our outbreaks this week within Holy Family Home. As per Regional Infection Prevention and Control and our Medical Director we did resolve the outbreaks on 2C St. Mary’s and St. Francis outbreak on Monday June 5; 4A St. Joseph’s, 4C St. Martha’s and St. Basil’s outbreak on June 6, 2023. Thank you to all the residents, families and staff that helped to prevent the spread of virus on the units. Residents are now safe to leave the unit and resume normal practices on the unit.

The outbreak on the 5A St. Michael’s unit is still ongoing, but we are hoping this outbreak will resolve soon. Unfortunately, we did have two additional cases of COVID on 2A Sacred Heart so this outbreak will continue for at least an additional 10 days. More information will be email out, as it is available. Remember on the outbreak units to only visit on the units, wear a mask and wash your hands often.

On a completely different note, our Quality team within the home has been working on some plans to ensure better communication with the staff providing care to our residents. In each of the resident room corkboards, we will be identifying one area on the corkboard that will be designated for resident care information only, which will include the resident transfer logos, ADL sheet, rehabilitation schedule and recreation calendars or anything else that is related to resident care. See the example picture below of the information to be placed on the resident care area:


All staff will then go to a consistent place in the residents rooms to retrieve resident care information. This project will be underway shortly, so do not be surprised if some of your loved ones pictures or items have been moved around on the corkboard when you visit. We will respect residents request if they refuse to have some items moved. I am hoping this will improve communication among our team. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Stacey Morgan RNBN

Director of Care