April 3, 2023

Holy Family Home:  Upcoming Changes to Visiting Protocol & Hours

Dear Families, Residents & General Visitors:

After March 31st, Manitoba Health will no longer provide funding for our screener position.  In addition, due to past intruder incidents and rising crime rates, we are changing our visitor entry process at Holy Family Home (HFH).  We want to ensure a smooth transition for families and visitors during these changes and ask that you please review the attached Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for further details.

There are three significant changes:

  1. With the loss of screeners, we will be moving to a self-screening process where visitors are expected to complete self-screening for any symptoms and complete the visitor’s log.  By filling the visitor log you are acknowledging you are well and have no COVID-19 symptoms or symptoms of any infectious illness.
  1. On April 4th, 2023, we are changing the access into the facility, whereby all visitors will now require to enter a code to gain access into HFH.  Visitors are kindly asked not to let others into the building to maintain security.  The front interior door will be locked 24/7 and access is controlled by the key pad to enter and exit the facility.  Therefore, all family and other general visitors must now use the key pad to gain access to enter the PCH during visiting hours.
  1. Also effective April 4th, 2023, visiting hours are being extended from 9:00am to 8:00pm daily.  The exterior front door will continue to be locked from 8:30pm to 8:30am.  Security will not permit entry during the evening lockdown unless there are exceptional circumstances.

These changes will take some time to get used to but will provide both the Residents and staff increased safety and security.  Thank you for your anticipated cooperation as we undergo these changes at Holy Family Home.  If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call 204-589-7381.

Angela Peeler, Interim CEO Stacey Morgan, DOC