Jan. 17, 2023

Dear Families,

Happy New Year! I wanted to provide you with an update on our outbreaks in the home. Please see the table below for details. We continue to monitor residents daily on the below units for symptoms. As per Public Health and Long Term Care, we are not in an official outbreak until we have 2 confirmed cases of a specific virus.

unitunit nameoutbreak typenamenumber of casesvisitation
1CNSt. Luke’srespiratoryRSV outbreak3no general visitors
3ASt. Anne’srespiratoryRSV outbreak9no general visitors
4ASt. Joseph’srespiratoryRSV outbreak2no general visitors
2CN/2CSSt. Mary’s/St. FrancisrespiratoryCOVID / RSV outbreak3 (1-Covid/2- RSV)no general visitors

The below strategies are implemented:

  • all off unit activities/events are cancelled for these residents, 
  • recreation activities are to move to more 1:1 activities, 
  • residents who are symptomatic are isolated to their rooms
  • all family visitation needs to occur on the unit in the resident rooms
  • only designated caregivers are to visit – for outbreak units only
  • increased high touch surface cleaning

Please remember to let nursing know if you notice a change in your loved one during your visitation hours and do not visit if you are experiencing any respiratory of flu like symptoms. 

If you do have any questions please reach out to your unit nurse, social work or resident care manager.


Stacey Morgan RNBN

Director of Care