November 9, 2022
Dear Residents and Families:
Please see the update of our current COVID-19 and outbreak status in the Home:
- 1C – St. Luke’s has had one resident test positive with Influenza A
- 2C St. Mary’s / St. Francis has five COVID-19 residents and an outbreak has been declared.
- 4C St. Martha’s / St. Basil’s has six residents positive with COVID-19 and is in outbreak.
- 2A Sacred Heart has one COVID-19 positive resident
- 3A St. Anne’s has twelve COVID-19 residents positive and an outbreak has been declared.
- 4A St Joseph’s has been cleared with the one resident positive with COVID-19 being resolved
- 5A has two residents who are positive with hMPV (human metapneumovirus) and are in respiratory outbreak. The hMPV outbreak should be declared over tomorrow.
Families of residents with infections have all been contacted by phone.
All remaining residents will be closely monitored for symptoms but will only be tested if symptomatic.
Designated caregivers can continue to visit all their loved ones on the units in outbreak with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Please see the nursing staff for direction on PPE needs when you arrive on the unit.
General visitors can continue to visit on the units not in outbreak.
Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers.
Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek) – CEO