August 4, 2022

Dear Residents and Families:

We wanted to inform you that we have 5 residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 on 5A St. Michael’s unit.  The families of the residents who are positive for COVID 19 have been notified and these residents remains on isolation.  All residents on the unit continue to be closely monitored for symptoms but will not be asymptomatically tested as per the Shared Health guidelines. 

We are continuing to allow designated caregivers to visit the residents on the 5A unit as long as they wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Please see the nursing staff for direction on PPE needs when you arrive on the unit.

For the residents who have been positive for COVID 19 in the last 180 days we are continuing to allow communal dining and some group activities on the resident care unit as per the Shared Health Guidelines. For all other residents on 5A St. Michael’s unit, all group activities and off unit events have been cancelled, including communal dining.

Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers. 


Stacey Morgan RNBN

Director of Care