July 7, 2022

Dear Residents and Families:

We wanted to inform you that a resident has tested positive for COVID-19 on 2CN – St. Mary’s Unit.  The family of the resident has been notified and the resident remains in isolation.  The residents on the unit are being closely monitored for symptoms but will not be asymptomatically tested as per the revised Shared Health guidelines.  We will share more information if any further COVID-19 activity occurs. 

Masks continue to be a requirement for all persons entering healthcare facilities as per Shared Health policy.  Holy Family Home requires proof of vaccination and photo identification for all visitors and contractors who attend the Home.  We ask all visitors to please cooperate and follow this guidance to assist in the protection of our vulnerable residents.  Incidents are continuing to happen where screening and security staff are being challenged and mistreated by some visitors.  It is understood there are few restrictions outside of healthcare facilities but request your assistance in reducing the risks within the Home. 

Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers. 


Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek)

Chief Executive Officer