May 9, 2022

Dear Residents and Families:

We are saddened to share the passing of another resident who was positive for COVID-19.  Our sincere thoughts and prayers to the family at this difficult time. 

We are hopeful the outbreaks for 3C St. John’s / St. Paul’s and for 1CS – St. Nicholas’ will be declared over tomorrow.  We will work with WRHA Infection Prevention and Control to make that determination tomorrow morning. 

Our current COVID-19 status is as follows:

UnitNumber of Residents Positive for COVID-19
4A – St. Joseph’s25
2A – Sacred Heart11
4C – St. Martha’s / St. Basil’s  20
3C St. John’s / St. Paul’s25
1CS – St. Nicholas7
1CN – St. Luke’s21

The families of these residents have been informed and if there are any issues with your family member, the unit staff will contact you by phone.  

There have been eighty-five residents who have recovered past the infectious period.  Sadly, there have been eight residents who have passed away. 

We have 15 staffing currently isolating who are COVID-19 positive.

Fully vaccinated Designated Family Caregivers will continue to be able to visit on all units whether there is an outbreak on the unit or not.  If visiting on a unit with COVID-19 activity, please report to nursing to receive information on the proper use and donning / doffing of personal protective equipment. 

General visitors are not able to visit on any units within the Home at this time. 

Please keep Holy Family Home in your thoughts and your prayers. 


Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek)

Chief Executive Officer