June 30, 2022
Dear Residents and Families:
We are pleased to announce changes to the Shared Health guidelines, which enable four designated family caregivers to be identified for each resident. Please contact the unit Social Worker to add designated family caregivers to the list. In room visitation for residents will still be limited two people at a time. We are also now allowing visitors to assist residents with meals in the dining room. Eye protection is no longer required for visitors when visiting in the absence of outbreaks.
As per the Holy Family Home policy, all persons entering the home must continue to show proof of full vaccination and photo identification (exceptions are made for end of life).
Beginning July 4, 2022, if visiting outdoors, in the courtyard or park up to four visitors can visit a resident at a time with only two visitors able to attend the resident’s room and meeting the other two visitors in the outdoor space. Mask use is strongly encouraged outdoors but is not required. We will also be extending the visiting hours on Tuesday and Thursday to 8pm effective next week.
Unvaccinated designated family caregivers and general visitors may book visitation in the visitation rooms up to two persons at a time by calling Janice Buors at 204 589 7381 ext. 265.
On Tuesday, June 28, 2022, Manitoba Health Personal Care Home Standards Consultants attended the Home as part of unannounced reviews occurring at every personal care home across the province. The debriefing was very positive in terms of the care observed and their experience of the Home. There will be follow-up on the recommendations given.
Thank you for your support.
Tara-Lee Procter (Maciuszonek)
Chief Executive Officer